This Week's Happenings . . .

I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. To say the least, our classroom has been humming along. We have been at our busiest yet with collecting data for climate change, our colonial simulation, and our student led conferences. Now that our colonial simulation has finished, we will add getting ready for gathering on February 22nd to that list. Here are some updates as to what is going on in class: Please remember that Student Led Conferences are this Friday, February 15 . If you were not able to sign up for a time, I will contact you later in the week to set up an alternative time. If need a reminder as to what your time is, please send me an email. In reading, we continue studying non-fiction and non-fiction text features such as diagrams, charts, maps, headings and sub-headings, boldface, etc. Students had not realized just how important these features were in non-fiction reading. As we dive head first into lots of non-fiction reading, students are immersed...