Tests . . .
One of the things that differentiates 4th grade from 5th grade will be sending home tests the students take. While I'm not a fan of test giving (or test taking), students need to develop an awareness that as they enter middle school, tests will be used to evaluate and grade them on a regular basis. When I grade tests, there are a number of things I do: 1) I go over the test answers and provide as much feedback with students as possible. I also go over test answers in case I made a mistake and incorrectly marked an answer wrong or correct. I make mistakes too and am well aware of this! 2) Students add up their points to see if they match the number of points I gave. If not I adjust. 3) I have students calculate their own percentages of how much they got correct. Then they compare the percentage with the South Carolina grading scale. 4) I asked students to reflect on why they did or did not do well. The typical response was "I could have participated more" ...