Immigration Simulation

Today we successfully completed our immigration simulation. To remind everyone, we have been studying the period of immigration between 1890 and 1920. During this simulation, students played the role of immigrants or processors from Ellis Island. Students were randomly chosen as an immigrant or processor. Each student was given and identity they were to keep secret until the day of simulation. Immigrants simulated what it was like to go through the process of coming to Ellis Island and getting processed. Processors played the roles of processors who processed the immigrants. As students moved through the processing process, they answered questions according to their character. By the end of the simulation, some students were deported and some students became citizens. Make sure you ask your child about the experiences.


  1. G'day Mr Johnson and students,
    Thanks for registering for the March 2012 student blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week beginning early March, when the first challenge will be published. If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the blog. Also make sure you visit blogs from other classes around the world with similar ages.

    Miss W or tasteach - challenge organizer

    PS Not all students have a Google account, so please have Name/URL as an option when leaving a comment.


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