This Week's Update

I hate to do this but this week's update will have to be a quick one. Normally when I update the blog, I tend not to do one big blog post at the end of the week. I try to do what I believe most bloggers do and post as things come up. Now that we have finished gathering, I will go back to that format. But I do have some reminders and updates.

  • Don't forget that Thursday night at 6:30 is Opening Picnic. We will eat outside before coming into the classroom the last hour or so. This part of the evening is not a Curriculum Night. Feel free to stop by, visit, and have your child give a tour of the class.
  • This Friday (Sept. 21) we are walking to the Sandhills library. I believe I have everyone's card from last year. If not, I will try to get a reminder home.
  • Tuesday, September 25 is a half-day for the district. This is our Parent-Teacher conference day. This day is reserved for parents and students who did not score well on their Spring 2012 MAP test or did not pass a part of their PASS testing in the Spring 2012. I will contact you if your child fell into one of these categories.
  • I have also extended the Scholastic Book Order due date to Saturday, September 22th. I extended the due date because I didn't get your the Scholastic order forms and I wanted to make sure you had time to look at those. You can still order books without the order form because there is an electronic copy online. Also remember, you can still order books the traditional way using the order forms I send home. To order books, click on the Scholastic banner on the right.
  • And last, Friday, September 28th is CFI's annual school trip to the Riverbanks Zoo. Mrs. Angie would like all permission slips turned in by the end of the week (Friday, Sept. 15).
As the week progresses, I will send updates as to what we are working on in class. I always try to post pictures and video when appropriate. Thanks for all you support!

Scott Johnson


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