Information for this Week

Hi Everyone-

I wanted to send out a few pieces of information out your way:

  • Please don't forget that we are collecting non-perishable items for Passing of the Cans. Passing of the Cans is only a few weeks away (Friday, December 14). We will use the items we collect to do some work in math involving servings and calories.
  • This Tuesday at 9 pm, the History Channel is showing "Mankind: The Story of All of Us." I have been watching this series, and as a history nut, this series has been great. On Tuesday, they will be talking about the explorers, especially Christopher Columbus. While I wouldn't recommend watching all of it (the show ends at 11 pm), I think this show will be extremely informative.
  • Don't forget this Tuesday is an early dismissal.
  • This week we will continue studying the explorers by looking at explorers such as Magellan and John Cabot.
  • In math, we will continue studying multiplication. We have been working on single and two-digit multiplication and everyone has picked up on it quickly. I enjoy studying multiplication because we will study how multiplication has been solved from the Egyptians to modern day multiplication.
  • In writing, we will look at grammar and how to use grammar to write using a variety of sentence structures.
  • In science, we continue looking at weather. While we will look at different kinds of severe weather, we will also begin looking at weather data, how to collect it, and how to read it.
  • In reading, we will begin studying one of my favorite children's book authors - William Steig. You may know him as the author of "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble" which was a popular book picture book in the 80's. Steig blatantly used a wide variety of literary elements in his popular picture books.


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