Latest News . . .

Mrs. Brutto wanted to let parents know that next week, Wednesday, May 21 at 8:30 am, will be the 4th and 5th grade music show. All parents are invited to attend this special event.

We have been coming along with our Rube Goldberg study and today we have begun hashing out the specifics for our project. All Rube Goldberg machines must have a minimum of 10 steps, must contain at least 5 simple machines (3 different simple machines), and will be no bigger than one of our classroom tables. Each group will also be expected to discuss the directions for their machine and explain the force and motion behind the various steps. Each Rube Goldberg should be made of everyday items and have some element of humor. Several groups are using a theme for their machine.

Students have begun planning and sketching out their designs; a few students have begun bringing in supplies. Each group has created a materials list of what is available in the classroom (Legos, Tinker Toys, CoinStruction, Snap Circuits, etc.). But students can bring in any items from home as long as they have your approval. As we work through these projects, I'll post pictures of student's progress. In the meantime, here is a picture of our Skype session with Rube Goldberg's grand daughter.

The date this project is due is by the end of the day, Wednesday, May 28th. We hope to have a share fair of their project the next day, Thursday, May 29th. We don't have a time yet. Then Friday, May 30th, we will have our final 5th grade gathering.


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