Scholastic Book Orders

Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: GPY4P
DUE DATE: 9/11/14

Dear Families,

Next week I will begin sending out homework packets and I'll explain more about those in my next post. In those packets I will be sending out Scholastic Book Orders. One of the ways I collect books for our classroom is through these book orders.

I will be including a 4th grade and 5th grade order form in your child's homework packet. I always include multiple order forms to provide a wider range of material for your child to choose from. This class is full of phenomenal readers so it's important for them to choose from a wide range of books. 

To order books, you have several options. On the right side of the classroom blog you will see a green banner. If you click on this it will automatically take you to Scholastic. You can type into any browser and type in the class activation code (GPY4P). Or you can order directly on the order form and send in a check. I don't send order forms every month since there are months when the selection of books just isn't worth the time. Based on what I know of your children so far, I think there are many books that are worth the read.

If you decide to order, just note that when you click on the link the Scholastic page will ask you if you want to order from the 5th grade order form. Just go to the top of the page and click on the 4th grade link. There is also a pink box towards the left that says "Shop by Flyer." Clicking on the link will make ordering easier since you can order using the flyer.


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