Time Lapse - Clouds Part 2

This is a beautiful and dramatic time lapse of clouds forming and disappearing over our school.


  1. Hey, Mr. Johnson! We absolutely loved your time lapse movies! We are looking closely at our garden space and insects. Plus, we are wondering lots about water, too. So, we found all four of the movies fascinating! If you ever wanted to video from our story book garden, that would be awesome, too. Wonder if there's any way you could capture a busy insect home in time lapse? At the moment, we're documenting data on where our insects mostly are found... Let us know if you've got any ideas! Thanks! From all the K's in Room #202

  2. Mrs. Barnes . . . the time lapse is so easy to use show you and your students how to use it in just a few steps . . . or one of my students can. I like the ideas of filming in the garden. I'm sure we could capture lots of condensation (dew) taking place.


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