Welcome Back

Welcome back 5th grade families! It's sounds a bit funny but it's something I look forward to getting used to. Here are some reminders for tomorrow.

1. Drop off will be normal time (7:35 or later). If you have any supplies feel free to drop them off in the classroom. I will be in the gathering area hanging out with the students but you are free to drop them off.

2. Our class does not have to worry about safety patrol until the second quarter.

3. Our first Friday learning celebration is next week - Friday, August 28. Since we are the first gathering, we will be spending most of the time discussing safety patrol rules, CFI rights and responsibilities, gathering expectations, etc.

4. We also have a new MAT. His name is Mr. Smith. He will introduce himself to the students tomorrow.

I have had some parents ask if there are other supplies they can get for the class that is not on the district supply list. We can alway use MORE pencils (you've seen my bucket of pencils on each table), anti-bacterial wipes, and spiral bound notebooks for writing. 

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning.


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