. . . and Other Updates

I wanted to get out a few other updates as to what's going on in class.

Reading: In reading, we are working on nonfiction. We have spent the last week discussing what nonfiction is, finding nonfiction books that appeal to students, and will begin looking at the text features of nonfiction, which may help student's make better sense of nonfiction texts.

Writing: In writing, we are working on lots of writing and editing.

Math: We are now moving into multiplication. In 4th grade, multiplication means knowledge of arrays, factors and multiples, composite and prime numbers, doubling, and solving multiplication problems in a variety of ways. This also means students will need to begin memorizing their multiplication tables to the point of recalling multiplication problems automatically. A good website for this is www.multiplication.com.

Science: In science we are at the end of our weather unit, and will be moving into astronomy.

Social Studies: In social studies, we have been looking at the Age of Exploration. This means studying different explorers such as Leif Erikson, Christopher Columbus, deSoto, Magellan, etc.

Also, our next Friday gathering will be Friday, December 9th. This means our class is in charge of the Passing of the Cans gathering. We would like to begin collecting items for Passing of the Cans.


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