Information for the Week . . .

Before I share a few things about what's going on in class, I wanted to send out a reminder that our 4th Curriculum Night will be this Thursday, March 16th from 7:15 - 8:00. Also, the MAP testing window begins this week. I plan on testing student the very last week of March (March 28 & March 30), so we can get as much math instruction before then.

And one final piece of info, I will be at Camp Kanuga (5th grade camp) for three days next week (March 22 - 24). The kids and I will begin putting together several projects I will be expecting them to complete when I return back to school. Our kids have been great when they've had substitutes, but any reminder about expectations and behavior while I'm gone would be appreciated.

Reading: We will begin our first literature study of the year. This literature study will be a whole class literature study so we can discuss expectations for future small group literature studies.

Writing: We have been working on creating a brochure which highlights the many wonderful things students have been doing during explorations. We spent time looking at a variety of brochures and discussing what elements of a brochure we will use for our brochure. This week we will do research so we can begin crafting our brochure.

Math: We have jumped into fractions and spent the last week creating various fractions out of a 4 x 6 square. We are now working on how to find a fraction of a number such as a sixth or eighth of 24.

Social Studies: We will be finishing our study of the American Revolution this week. This will move us into our study of the Constitution.

Science: Last week we started our study plants & animals. Currently we are creating diagrams that classify flowers (flowering and nonflowering) and animals (vertebrate and invertebrate).


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