Brattonsville Trip . . . and a Few Other Details

Thanks to everyone for helping our class have a successful trip to Brattonsville! This was by far the best trip to Brattonsville I have ever had. The bus ride (quiet), students listened and paid attention to the docents (perfect), lunch went great (no running around), and the buses got to Brattonsville, and back to CFI on time.

And parents ... you helped make this a great trip. I appreciate taking time out of your schedule, and rising to the occasion when necessary. Thanks again!

Here are few things to remember:

1) The book faire is this week so be prepared to be asked a million times if your child can get a book : )

2) On Wednesday, students will be field testing a version of the writing SC PASS test. This test will not count for them, and will be good practice when we take the real test in two weeks.


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