Unofficial "Back to School" Message - School Supplies

Hi Everyone -

I hope everyone has been having a nice summer break. I know it's still a bit early to be thinking "back to school" anything, but I wanted to send a quick note before you went out and did back to school shopping for school supplies. 

As I look at the district school supply list, there are some things you can leave off because 1) I have an abundant supply and don't need anymore of the item, and 2) there are some items you purchased last year that we will continue using.

Here are items from the list you will need. Items crossed out you DON'T need to get:

1 Book bag 
1 3-ring binder (2-inch) - (I have kept their binders from last year)
Pocket Dividers
2 24-Pack No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga) 
2 Erasers (Pink Pearl) 
4 Glue sticks (Elmer’s) 
1 Pack Dry Erase Markers (EXPO 4 color pack) 
4 Marble composition books 
2 8-oz Hand sanitizer 
2 Packs (200) wide-ruled notebook paper - (most children have a lot of this left over from last year so ask before buying)
1 Pack Colored Pencils 12 color pack 
Headphones (or earbuds) - (we used these quite a bit when using Chromebooks. Students can keep these in their backpacks or cubbies)

These items are not on the list but we could use the following:

Crayola Markers 
Crayola crayons
Sharpies or all colors

We could also use the following supplies for our Makerspace:

Aluminum foil - (the heavy duty stuff works the best because it doesn't tear as quickly)
Toilet paper and paper towel tubes
Any old, broken appliances (e.g., radios, blow dyers, computers)

As we get closer to school, I will send out a few more messages in anticipation of the first day of school.

Scott Johnson


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