First Day Back (2017-2018)

Dear Families,

Welcome back to a new school year! I know the next couple of days are going to be hectic so I'm going to share a few things before we head back to school on Tuesday.

The first week of school is going to be a busy one for all the kids. Since 5th graders have many more responsibilities, we spend this week going over those expectations. Our two main responsibilities are kindergarten buddies and carpool, both will start on the first day of school (I will be sending out a carpool schedule on Tuesday that will need to be returned by the end of the week Friday). 

Ms. Whitecotton and our classroom will be sharing gathering duties. September 1, our classrooms will be doing a gathering on CFI's Rights & Responsibilities, and September 8th, our classes will be talking about the Book of the Month (a new CFI tradition we hope to start this year).

I also wanted to remind you of my communication plan. My primary way of communicating is through email ( I am pretty good about checking my email throughout the day, though I will probably only respond during my special areas time (10:00 - 10:50) or after school. I will also communicate through our classroom blog ( I try to publish on the blog at least once a week. When I do publish, I will send out an email letting you know I have updated the blog. I have links to everything in the signature portion of my email. I also have a class Twitter account ( I use this account to tweet out pictures of projects, especially the "maker" stuff. I am going to try to Tweet more often. If you use Twitter, feel free to follow that account.

This year we are implementing some new carpool procedures. I am attaching the email Ms. Whitecotton sent to her class regarding carpool:

In Dr. Mueller's welcome email to everyone she shared about pick up procedures. Remember to please email me (and Angie) or send a note in if someone other than yourself is picking up your child. Pick up procedures will be a little different with students waiting for their rides, just like rainy day dismissal, so we will be relying heavily on the pick up cards to be on the dashboard or hanging from the mirror when you pick up to make sure things move quickly and smoothly.

Safety Patrol
You all know that fifth grade is a very important time in the life of a CFI student because of all of the leadership opportunities available for them. One of those rites of passage at CFI is being responsible for Safety Patrol in the mornings and afternoons. On the first day of school, we will be sending home Safety Patrol forms that are due back to school with your family's preferences for which times and posts (front cars, back cars, inside the building, etc.) your child covers for the First Quarter. For the first week, we will be covering Safety Patrol by inviting those students who are attending morning care and after care to take care of the Safety Patrol posts. This gives Dr. Johnson and I time to gather your responses and develop a standard schedule for the First Quarter. We will send that schedule home with the students who are responsible for the First Quarter's Safety Patrol Posts, so that everyone is aware of their specific responsibilities. 

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone. Can't wait to see you all!

Dr. Johnson


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