Updated Information

Some new information has come up so I wanted to write a new blog post about some of our upcoming events.

Thursday, March 15 (7:15-8:00) - Instead of having a traditional Curriculum Night, we will have our Camp Kanuga informational meeting. While this is a parents only meeting (we'll have a separate meeting for students), we will have room available for students.

Monday, March 19 and Tuesday, March 20 - On these dates we will be MAP testing. Monday will be reading and Tuesday will be math.

Wednesday, March 21 - Friday, March 23 - Camp Kanuga trip

Science - We are just beginning our last unit on Forces & Motion. We spent the day building on what we already knew about force and motion and relating this knowledge to balanced and unbalanced forces.

Math - We are playing a game called "In Between." This game helps students order fractions and get a better sense of converting fractions to percentages.

Social Studies - We have finished our study of WWII and we are now moving into the Cold War by studying key events through the 50s, 60s, and 70s.

Reading - We are looking at 1st and 3rd person perspectives in the books we are reading.

Writing - We are doing an extended study on sentence construction. We started by looking at sentences in terms of having a subject and predicate. Now we are looking at different conjunctions and how they connect sentences and clauses.


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