Classroom Updates
Since we are expecting some big storms to come through, seems like a good time to update everyone on things going on in class. I have updated our class calendar with important time for the remainder of the school year. You can check these dates by going the class blog and taking a look at the calendar located on the right of the blog. 5th grade "Passion" projects are going well. Everyone has a Future topic. In class we are working on getting contacts, either email or phone number, so students can contact any organizations they are working with to get more information. I'm hoping that by the end of the week, students will know the Past portion of their project. For instance, one student plans on working at an animal shelter so she wants to do the Past portion of her project on Jane Goodall. Another students is raising money for foster families who take in DACA children who are displaced from their families. That student is creating a questions & answer presentatio...