Classroom Updates
Since we are expecting some big storms to come through, seems like a good time to update everyone on things going on in class.
Remember, this is a new project CFI wants to implement as a final project which asks students to utilize everything they have learned at CFI. Remember back in kindergarten when your child did their Passion Expert Project? We view this project in the same way as student's kindergarten Passion Projects. Except, this passion project asks students to combine their passions and their interests in doing something good for their community.
So this is all new to us as well. If you ever have any questions, please contact myself or Dr. Whitecotton!
Some additional info:
- I have updated our class calendar with important time for the remainder of the school year. You can check these dates by going the class blog and taking a look at the calendar located on the right of the blog.
Remember, this is a new project CFI wants to implement as a final project which asks students to utilize everything they have learned at CFI. Remember back in kindergarten when your child did their Passion Expert Project? We view this project in the same way as student's kindergarten Passion Projects. Except, this passion project asks students to combine their passions and their interests in doing something good for their community.
So this is all new to us as well. If you ever have any questions, please contact myself or Dr. Whitecotton!
Some additional info:
- Math - We are finishing up working on multiplication and division of fractions. We will be moving into addition and subtraction of fractions by the end of the week.
- Science - On Friday we collected some data by recording times as we walked around the track. We will graph the data and create motion graphs.
- Social Studies - We just finished looking at various events of the Cold War including the Korean War, Vietnam, and the Cuban Missle Crisis. We will be moving into the Civil Rights Era.
- Reading - We are using our reading time to work on our project.
- Writing - During writing we are looking at different aspects of grammar such as prepositions.
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