First of all, we have a new USC undergraduate intern who is joining us this semester. Her name is Kolbie Hinson and she will be with us full time. If you stop by the classroom make sure you say hello.

I wanted to share some of the things we are working on in class:

We are finishing with converting metric units (millimeters, centimeters, kilometers, milliliters, liters, etc.). By the end of this week we will be moving into multiplication and multiplication strategies.

Social Studies
We have just completed our study of the first colonies. We are moving into the French and Indian war before our larger study of the Revolutionary War.

This week we are doing several demonstrations on the moon and its phases. This will move us toward earth's rotation and how its rotation and tilted axis effects our seasons.

Read Aloud
Currently we are reading the book Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. It is a historical fiction story that deals with slavery and the Revolutionary War in New York City.

We continue to independently read for 20-30 minutes. During this time I confer with students and help them choose appropriate books. We just finished working on summary and how it differs from a retelling. Our current reading lesson focuses on plot elements.

In writing we watched a YouTube channel called Jaidan Animations. Jaidan is a cartoonist who animates stories from her personal life. These animations are funny and somehow pull you into her stories. Her channel has millions of views. We studied these stories to try to uncover what makes these stories so interesting. Here is the list we made. Our goal is to incorporate some of these elements into our writing.


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