PASS Testing

I wanted to let everyone know (or remind) that next week is PASS Testing. We will be testing on May 14th, 15th, and 16th. All testing will start in the morning. It will be important that you make sure your child gets to school on time. You may also want to make sure your child gets plenty of sleep. Other than that, don't do anything that might be too out of the ordinary. Sometimes kids don't react well to change and that could affect how they do on their tests.

During those three days we'll take it pretty easy academically. We will still have explorations time, we will use some time to prepare for the next day's test, and blow off some restlessness with a few minutes of extra recess.

Once testing is completed, your 4th graders will start preparing for Graduation in which the 5th graders will "pass the torch." Exciting times!

Thanks for all your support,
Scott Johnson


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