Reminders / Updated Information Before School Starts

Before the school year starts, I wanted to update all parents on important school-wide information for the year (it was also my way of getting everyone back into the habit of visiting the classroom blog). Some of the information may be new, but most will probably be simple reminders:

  • Remember that safety patrol will begin on the first day of school. The safety patrol schedule can be found here. If your name is not on the schedule, or there were no more places to sign, remember we still have the entire year. There will be plenty of opportunities to do safety patrol;
  • I put together a classroom website that can be found here. While it seems redundant to have a blog and website, the website will be used more in class. Last year, with the issues with Chromebook use and visiting unauthorized websites, I created a website with specific websites students can use in class. Visiting any other website not found on my website without my approval can result in loss of Chromebook use;
  • I have asked Mrs. Reupke, our school counselor, to visit our classroom on a weekly basis. She will do weekly lessons on some of the social aspects of growing up such as bullying, friendship, gossip, etc. This will give her a chance to know the kids and provide assistance when behavior gets out of hand. Many of the kids already know her and see her as another resource. All schools in the district have counselors visit the classrooms so this is not anything out of the ordinary;
  • Once parents and their children enter the school, we would like all persons to no longer use their cell phones. If you need to take a phone call, please leave the building and take the call outside;
  • If you plan on having lunch with your child, you may bring food for your child but you may not bring food for another student (this is a district-wide policy mainly dealing with allergies). When eating lunch your child many not invite others to eat with them;
  • When you are eating lunch, please stay off of cell phones or allow your child to play on a cell phone. (I have not seen anyone in this class allowing their child to play on the phone, but it has happened at lunch);
  • We are starting kindergarten buddies. Many kids want to buy their kindergarten buddies candy or trinkets. Please do not buy anything for kindergarten buddies. If they would like to make something as a gift, that is fine;
  • The district has a bullying protocol. If a parent or child uses the word "bully or bullying," administration will do a complete investigation into whether bullying took place. This involves interviews with students and parents. If you feel your child is being harassed by another child, it is important your child lets me know ASAP so the issue can be dealt with before it blows up;
  • I will be at the school on Monday and Tuesday until 3:00 pm. If you would like to stop by and drop off supplies, you are more than welcomed to stop by the class and say hello.


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