Attendance During Virtual Learning

During virtual learning teacher are expected to take daily attendance. I wanted to highlight how attendance would work.

A student is considered "Present" if he/she:

  • participates in synchronous leaning OR
  • completes and submits the Daily Participation Assignment (DPA). For our classroom, the DPA will be a Google Form Exit Slip that students will fill out at the end of the day. Each day's Google Form Exit Slip will be located on our Google Classroom. Students will fill out the exit slip and submit it for each day.
A student is considered "Absent" if he/she DOES NOT:
  • participate in synchronous class lessons OR
  • complete and submit the DPA (Google Form Exit Slip)
🙏Virtual learning is complex and personal for each family. There might be particular days in which students are unable to meet for live meetings; there might be particular hours of the day when virtual learning just might not feasible for whatever reasons. There might be days when we just need to take a nap. No judgement! What we need to do is support each other during these trying times.

If students miss particular lessons, all lessons will (should) be recorded and posted on my classroom website. Students can go back to those videos to gain the information they need to complete the various assignments. When those assignments for the day are completed, students complete the Google Form Exit Slip (DPA), and that will count as them being "Present" on that day. All DPA assignments must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 pm. While I will take daily attendance, I will check DPA's the next day (Monday) and record attendance based on the submitted DPAs. So if a student misses a day of live meeting, they can still be considered "Present" if they complete the assignments and submit the Google Form Exit Slip (DPA).

If your child is absent please email me excuses or send to our new secretary Amanda Steck.

When in doubt, we will contact each other to support and solve any problems. Trust me, this is just as confusing for me as it might be for you!


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