First Week of Virtual Testing Competed - YEA

We completed our first week of virtual testing. YEA! I am having a great time getting to know everyone, even though we have only met virtually. I am having a lot of fun with this group.

We worked on and accomplished much this week. Besides getting used to various routines and or schedule, we also worked on the following:

  1. Learned how to meet as a class through Google Meet
  2. Everyone is linked to Google Classroom and Khan Academy
  3. Learned how to download and use Chrome extensions
  4. Learned how to turn in assignments through Google Classroom
  5. Learned how to meet in break out rooms
  6. Learned how to create bookmarks and organize the bookmarks bar
  7. Learned how to find and use the same document multiple times
While next week many are MAP testing, students will start getting used to navigating Khan Academy. I will use Khan Academy to give student additional math work (Khan Academy is also great for learning other topics). The following week will begin to look more like our normal learning schedule. Our day will start at 9:00 and end at 3:00. We will also begin learning new information, students will begin more independent work, and less time in from of their computer (I will still be available through Google Meet to help individuals with classwork). The goal is to make learning closely follow what we normally do in the classroom as possible.


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