Information for Phase Two

 As we move into Phase 2 next Wednesday, November 4, I wanted to send out some reminders, and some new information:

  1. All students returning to school should bring their school supplies. All school supplies will remain separate and used by only the child. Supplies will be kept in their cubbies and/or backpack. Here is a list of school supplies:
    1. a pair of scissors
    2. 4 composition notebooks (reading, writing, science, social studies)
      1. Spiral bound notebooks are fine
    3. 4 folders (any color)
    4. Art Supplies
      1. Crayola Markers
      2. Crayola Pencils
      3. Crayola Crayons
      4. (I don't remember if you need multi-colored construction paper)
    5. Multi-colored set of Sharpies
    6. Multi-colored white board markers and eraser (I use these for my mini whiteboards)
    7. 2 packs of pencils
    8. Colored highlighters
    9. pencil box (to keep personal supplies in)
    10. (optional) Mechanical pencils (.7 mm or larger) with extra lead
      1. if you get mechanical pencils for your child, then you don't need to bring in packs of pencils
  2. All students are required to wear masks. You will want to send an extra mask just in case one gets lost.
  3. All students are highly encouraged to bring a water bottle. Students are not allowed to use the water faucet; they can fill their water bottles with water from the faucets.
  4. Backpacks and Chromebooks need to go home each night.
  5. We will have two recesses: one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students will be expected to social distance at recess and can take their masks off if 6 feet away. 
    1. our first recess will be on the recess field; our second recess will be elsewhere (e.g., walking around the middle school, the football field, the track)
  6. Students are allowed to bring a towel, blanket, or foldable chair so they can work outside. I have a grass area outside my window and students will be allowed to work outside when appropriate.
  7. Our daily schedule will be a bit different. Instruction will start at 8:30 and end at 2:30. While this is a little longer of a day, students who are virtual will be expected to take breaks and return on time according to the daily schedule. Virtual students can also turn off their cameras and step away from their cameras when doing independent work. Here is a link to our daily schedule: Daily Schedule.
That's all I can think of at the moment. As you get questions, feel free to email and I will try to answer your questions.



  1. Good morning Dr. Johnson. Are you able to post the links for today’s meetings here? If so, we should be able to use our personal accounts for the kids to join class. Thank you.


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