Student Led Conferences

Don't forget that student led conferences are this Thursday, Friday, and next week Friday. Please check Sign Up Genius  for your sign up time.

Obviously, I've never conducted student led conferences during a pandemic so I wanted to share my vision of how student led conferences might work.

With the pandemic, and online learning, these student led conferences play an even greater role. It lets you know what your child is learning and what they have been up to during school and virtual learning.

When it is your child's time to conduct their student led conferences, they will log into our classroom Google Meet. The child and parent(s) will sit around the computer while they share their student led conferences, including the items they plan to share (your child should have a book and links to any online assignments in their presentation so they can demonstrate their work). The conference should be pretty low key. With the three of us in the Google Meet, your child will share, and we may ask questions during or after the conference.

Please remember that each conference is 20 minutes so I may ask students to speed up or slow down. Each conference should take between and 15-18 minutes to complete. That will allow me some extra time to transition to the next conference. If you are late to the conference, I really can't add additional time due to being on a schedule. If you need to reschedule, please see the Sign Up Genius so you can reschedule a different time.

If you want to schedule a time to conference, we will need to so this during a separate time.


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