Crazy Week . . .

This is already turning out to be a crazy week. Because of the half day today and our day off tomorrow, I thought I better get some information out.

We are still scheduled to have student-led conferences on Thursday and Friday. With our weather, I can be definite we'll return to school on Thursday but I feel fairly confident we will be back Friday. If we do not return to school for Thursday, we will have to cancel student-led conferences on that date and reschedule them for another. I have asked students to complete their student-led conferences at home in order to be prepared to share their presentations during their scheduled time.

We also had a math test scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday). Each child created their own personalized list of items they needed to study. Then in class, we were going to gather in special interest groups to help each other with problem items. Since there is no school - there is no test. I would rather have students in class for at least a day before I gave any test (imagine coming back from a snow day to take a test). That way we can go over items in class.

As for Valentine cards for Friday, this is definitely NOT mandatory. You do not have to bring in anything. If you want to bring some in, please make sure your child has enough to pass around to everyone.


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