Student-Led Conferences

Because of the two-day weather break we had this week, CFI has had to do some rescheduling of our Student-Led Conferences. I will be conducting student-led conferences on the afternoon of Thursday, February 13 from 12:00 to 5:00 and all day Friday, February 14 (8:00 to 5:00). Since this gives everyone a few weeks to plan and schedule, I have created a sign up through Sign Up Genius. I think this will be the fastest and most efficient way to sign up instead of sending out a sign up, placing your top three choices, sending them back to school, and then sending you back a time.

I have sent invites and will post the link to the sign up on our blog right here.

On Thursday, we will meet in our classroom for conferences. On Friday, during the school day, we will meet in the library; after school we will meet back in the classroom.

Also, remember that next Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 there will be an informational meeting about the 5th grade overnight trip to Camp Kanuga. Mrs. Debeaugrine would like a final count of who is going so if you haven't brought in your yellow forms, please get those to her ASAP.


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