Expert Project . . . and Other Pieces of Information

Beginning Monday, November 9th, we will begin working on an expert project on ecosystems. This project is due Friday, November 20, and the school wide share fair will be on Tuesday, November 24th (this is the same day 5th graders are in charge of the Thanksgiving Gathering). While most of the work will be done in class, there will be many times when students are expected to work on parts of their expert project at home.

This project consists of two parts:
  1. The Written Portion
    1. The written portion is double-spaced
    2. Size 12 fond
    3. Arial or Times New Roman
    4. We will create an outline of what this paper should look like next week
  2. Presentation
    1. Students will need a presentation / display board for their presentation so they can display their research such as food chains, food webs, pictures, title, etc.
    2. If you have a presentation board, please feel free to reuse it from an older presentation
Students will be selecting an ecosystem (terrestrial or aquatic) and identifying the various types of factors (biotic and abiotic) that live in that ecosystem. They will be creating various diagrams, food chains, and food webs to go along with their presentation.

As the week continues, I will continue to send out information pertaining to the project.


  • Remember that Grandparent's Day is this Wednesday. If your child's grandparent plans of coming, could you please let me know? I like to get an estimate number so that I can plan accordingly.
  • The school wide Zoo Trip is this Friday. If you plan on chaperoning, please let me know as I do not have a list of those chaperones who plan on coming. If you are chaperoning, remember you are meeting us at the zoo. Once there, I will give you our itinerary. We usually take one of the classes the zoo offers.


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