Notes for this Week ...
This week we have several big assignments that will be due.
- On Thursday, students must turn in a final draft of their personal narrative. Students and I created a rubric so that they understand what is expected in their personal narrative. Each student has a copy of the rubric
- Next Monday, November 23, students' Ecosystem Expert Project is due. (I chose Monday so that students can have the extra weekend to work on it.) Students will need to bring in their presentation board to class so I can check them off. Then Tuesday, November 24, students will have a brief share fair. If you are unable to make it, we will share them at our next Curriculum Night on Thursday, December 3. We will try to do most work in class, but some assembly of their project will need to take place at home. I have reduced this week's homework to working on their expert project and their personal narrative.
- Each student has a small packet that shows what students must include on their presentation board. We have gone over this packet extensively, and students wrote additional notes about each part of the project.
- The Curriculum Night on Thursday, December 3 will be an important one to attend. We will be discussing the 5th grade overnight trip to Camp Kanuga on March 16-18.
- Next week will be the annual 5th grade Thanksgiving gathering. Both 5th grade classrooms are responsible for doing "The Night Before Thanksgiving" and other Thanksgiving themed reader's theaters. This is a fun one you'll want to try to see. Hopefully we can get this one taped if you are unable to make it.
- We are already collecting cans for Passing of the Cans. We have received a few cans so far. Because of the floods, there are many more needs. Please consider bringing in cans to help the community.
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