On Monday, August 29, I will be sending out homework. Since this is the first homework, let me spend a minute explaining how homework works in my classroom. At the beginning of the week, most likely Monday, I will send home a clear, plastic folder with your child's name on it. In that folder contains a packet of homework. The first page of the homework is like a calendar and says which homework to do on a particular day. Homework packets are not due to me until Friday. Homework packets should be turned into me with the plastic folder. Really . . . I don't want to see the homework until that day! On Friday, we will go through the homework so that I can provide feedback to your child. Once your child has completed their homework, please sign your name at the bottom of the homework packet, letting me know you have made sure your child completed their work before turning it in. I don't give much homework, but I have high expectations that what I hand out will be complet...