Welcome Back . . .

Welcome back to another school year! I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. I have met your child on numerous occasions over the last year - now I just have to put the name to the face.

The process of getting to know each other may be slow, but hopefully I can help bridge that through communication. While I will try to keep in contact concerning your child's academic and social behavior, please contact me at any time.

I wanted to share some important information that I think you will need as we begin the school year.
  • My primary way of communicating is through email (scjohnson@richland2.org). I am pretty good about checking my email throughout the day, though I will probably only respond during my special areas time (10:00 - 10:50) or after school. I will also communicate though this blog (inquiryforlife.blogspot.com). I try to publish on the blog as least once a week. When I do publish, I will send out an email letting you know I have updated the blog. I have links to everything in the signature portion of my email. I also have a class Twitter account (https://twitter.com/CFIJohnson). I use this account to tweet out pictures of projects, especially the "maker" stuff. If you use Twitter, feel free to follow that account. 
  • Snacks - Your child may bring a snack to school, though they definitely don't need to. They will be allowed to eat their snack during our recess break (1:00 - 1:30). As per state and district guidelines, we have to be picky about what kids are allowed to bring for snacks. Please emphasize snacks that are healthy. Birthdays and holidays are no exception. Things like pizza and donuts are no longer allowed. Once again, please be in the mindset of healthy snacks. Before bringing any whole class treat for the class, please contact me. I have to consider allergies and other classroom issues. 
  • Library cards - We will continue visiting the Sandhills branch of the Richland County library until they move. Mrs. Pender has passed library cards on to me. If your child does not have their library card at school, you will want to bring it in the next week or so.
  • I have a little maker space so that kids, during explorations, can build, create, and take apart items in the spirit of inquiry. If at any time you have some of the following items, please feel free to donate them to the classroom: any cardboard (boxes, paper and toilet tubes) and broken, small appliances (to take apart and figure how they work).
I think I might stop there with information before it gets overwhelming. As new information comes to light I will make sure I pass it on to you. And please let me know if you do not receive these emails.


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