A Few Notes About This Week . . .

Here a few things about the week . . .

1) I will begin sending homework this week. I will make another blog post with more information on how homework works in my class.

2) I have updated the calendar that can be found on the blog (on the right hand side). You will find dates for our upcoming gathering (Friday, September 16), an overnight trip at EdVenture (September 23-24), and an in-school field trip called CSI: Forensics in the Classroom (which I'll talk more about later).

3) As we head into the final week before Labor Day, we continue to establish classroom routines and procedures. While this has led to moments in which I have had to fuss for chattiness (which is to be expected at this point), I am finding that this group is sweet and caring. They have already taken an interest in many of the "making" items I have to offer during explorations. They have also taken an interest in computer programming through Scratch. I can't wait to show them what they can create, and how Scratch ties in with our robots.

4) This week I continue to get to know your children as readers, writers, mathematicians, etc. I have read with just about every child, noted their knowledge of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fractions, analyzed some spelling, and will collect a piece of writing to analyze their writing. All this information will provide me a beginning understanding of your child as a learner.

5) We have spent some time looking at the logos businesses use to identify themselves. Students will create their own personal logos, as well as a logo that will symbolize the classroom as a whole. Why look at logos? I find out a lot of information about your child as a person, which helps me meet their needs as learners, creates bonds and builds relationships, and helps the community connect.

During our conversations about logos, students have already identified logos as symbols that carry meaning, and when you observe a particular logo, that logo wants you to think a certain way. For instance, when looking at the FedEx logo, there is a hidden arrow in the white space between the "e" and "x." Students thought this meant that FedEx wants the consumer to know they will get your package to its destination on time, always moving forward, and never backward.

For students to create a personal logos, they will have to reflect on what words describe themselves, and how they identify themselves. As we study more logos, the questions we ask that will help us create these logos will become more refined. I'm hoping to share these logs at our first Friday gathering.


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