EdVenture Overnight Trip

Thanks to everyone who came out to EdVenture. Everyone had a great time! Here are some pictures from the evening.

On another note, this Friday (or next Monday), our classroom will be taking part in an in-school field trip called CSI: Forensics in the Classroom. A mock crime scene will be set up and students have to inquire, and use their knowledge of science, to solve the crime scene. Some of the things students will do is learn how to fingerprint, collect DNA samples, learn how to use microscopes, and enhance their observation skills. The price of the field trip is $20 per child, but we are not collecting money at this time. Later in the school year, we are taking a field trip to historic Brattonsville. Mrs. Debeaugrine is combining the two field trips so that payments can be made, little by little, through Powerschool. If I'm correct, the total amount due ($45) would not have to be made until the Brattonsville trip, which will be in April.


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