Quick Post for the Upcoming Week

This week we continue to complete assignments left off from last week. We are finishing looking at the different regions of the United States before starting our first project. For this project, students will get into groups and make a poster about one of the regions we looked at. They will share these posters at our gathering next week (Friday, September 16).

Students will also begin sketching out their logos. I will hand out sketchpads for students to draft their personal logos. They will share these logos at our gathering next week.

In math, we are working on measurement. Right now we are working on creating benchmarks that will help us estimate the size of an object. For instance, a forearm is about the size of a foot. We are working on both American and Metric measurements (you will see practice sheets in their homework for this week).

In reading and writing, I am finishing up conferring with students.

For homework, packets will go out today and be returned on Friday.

Have a great week!


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