
Showing posts from October, 2016

Video from Sphero Chariot

Mary made a stand that connects to the Sphero Chariot. Now we can take video from a moving camera.

Curriculum Night Presentation

Information for the Coming Week . . .

Now that we are back to school, I wanted to get some information to you that might be of importance: 1) Curriculum Night has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 20 . We will still meet from 7:00 - 7:45. Since this is our first Curriculum Night, most of the night will be spent going over things such as class schedule, Khan Academy, Google Classroom, etc. 2) Zoo Trip - Field trip forms have gone out for our whole school field trip to the Riverbanks Zoo. Please return these ASAP. Make sure you mark on the form if you plan on chaperoning. 3) National Parks Free Passes - Since your child is a 4th grader, they are entitled to free passes through the U.S. National Park Service. Here is a list of National Parks located in South Carolina. We finally seem to have caught up on overdue work and are on a roll. Here is a quick list of things we are currently working on: In math, we have moved on to polygons and are studying their characteristics of; In social studies, we are studying...

CSI: Forensics in the Classroom

We had a great time participating in the CSI: Forensics in the Classroom. I asked many students what their favorite part of the day, and unanimously, students said the whole thing. Hopefully many of you were able to follow the day through my Twitter account. If not, I am posting a link to the pictures I posted on Twitter, including another 60 pictures I took throughout the day. Here is the link: Don't forget that Thursday, October 6 is Curriculum Night . Our Curriculum Night is 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm . In addition to students sharing some of their work, I will spend time discussing some of the incidentals of class life such as homework, how I address behavior, beliefs about teaching and learning, etc. If there is anything you want me to specifically touch upon, please send me an email. There may be something I'm not thinking about that would be beneficial to everyone knowing.