CSI: Forensics in the Classroom

We had a great time participating in the CSI: Forensics in the Classroom. I asked many students what their favorite part of the day, and unanimously, students said the whole thing. Hopefully many of you were able to follow the day through my Twitter account. If not, I am posting a link to the pictures I posted on Twitter, including another 60 pictures I took throughout the day.

Here is the link: https://goo.gl/photos/1mid6kJVzMAmHtqo8

Don't forget that Thursday, October 6 is Curriculum Night. Our Curriculum Night is 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm. In addition to students sharing some of their work, I will spend time discussing some of the incidentals of class life such as homework, how I address behavior, beliefs about teaching and learning, etc. If there is anything you want me to specifically touch upon, please send me an email. There may be something I'm not thinking about that would be beneficial to everyone knowing.


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