Information for the Coming Week . . .

Now that we are back to school, I wanted to get some information to you that might be of importance:

1) Curriculum Night has been rescheduled for Thursday, October 20. We will still meet from 7:00 - 7:45. Since this is our first Curriculum Night, most of the night will be spent going over things such as class schedule, Khan Academy, Google Classroom, etc.

2) Zoo Trip - Field trip forms have gone out for our whole school field trip to the Riverbanks Zoo. Please return these ASAP. Make sure you mark on the form if you plan on chaperoning.

3) National Parks Free Passes - Since your child is a 4th grader, they are entitled to free passes through the U.S. National Park Service. Here is a list of National Parks located in South Carolina.

We finally seem to have caught up on overdue work and are on a roll. Here is a quick list of things we are currently working on:

  • In math, we have moved on to polygons and are studying their characteristics of;
  • In social studies, we are studying the various Native American regions. While learning about these various groups, we are also learning how to find and gather information from non-fiction texts, and record this information using a graphic organizer;
  • In science, we have moved into our study of weather. Right now we are collecting a variety of weather data from various cities all over the globe. At the same time we are taking a deeper look at the water cycle. I am also hoping to have students make time lapse videos of the clouds as a part of our study of the water cycle;
  • In reading, I have been conferring with students during independent reading. I have also been exposing kids to more books in my library in order to broaden the reading genres students read from;
  • In writing, we have focused on indenting, fitting our writing within the margins, and handwriting including using correct capitalization and lower case letters.


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