Information for the Week

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to Friday gathering. Because of the week off due to hurricane Florence we really had to cram to get ready for gathering. Now that gathering is over we will continue moving forward in our studies.
  • Don'g forget that this Thursday, September 27 is Curriculum Night from 7:15-8:00. I will be outlining our daily schedule and sharing a few things we are working on in class.
  • In social studies we are moving into our study of Native Americans and how the different regions of the United States effected how they survived.
  • In math we will move into geometry. I like to start with geometry to build confidence in math and to get kids thinking about using their knowledge of geometry to construct during explorations. This also gives me a chance to introduce students to computer programming through Scratch.
  • In reading we will continue to read poetry, discuss different characteristics of poetry, then use that knowledge to create our own poems.
  • In science we are moving into the water cycle. 


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