
Showing posts from October, 2019

Expert Project / Hero's Journey Project

Hi Everyone! I wanted to share some information with you concerning our two projects: Expert Project on Ecosystems and our Hero's Journey Project. EXPERT PROJECT ON ECOSYSTEMS I am attaching the expert project documentation here and here . This is the same document I handed to the kids on Friday. The first document outlines the project. Research for the project will primarily be done at school (though your child can work on it at home if they would like). Research will be collected on a Google Document so I can keep track of their progress. Here is a link to that document. The research will is Friday, October 11 . There are two parts of this expert project which ask students to create a visual / creative representation of their ecosystems. All dates are tentative just in case we need an additional day or so. Diorama Tentative Due Date: October 18th This is to be done primarily at home. You shouldn't need to help them much in this area unless they ask. As we